If you are a small business and have been concerned about cybersecurity, there is probably a good reason for feeling that way. More and more hackers are choosing to target small businesses because they often have put less effort into making sure that they have the security measures that they need. This makes them easy targets and easy to exploit.
Here are some reasons why you might want to make sure to update your standards when it comes to cybersecurity for your small business.
No email encryption
One of the simplest ways to ensure that your company is not sharing information that it shouldn’t is by encrypting files, especially when it comes to emails. Hackers can often easily gain information by gaining access to your email server and downloading files without passwords. Fortunately, it’s usually a simple process that you can complete with your email provider to make sure that you have encryption available. Usually you can have this finished within an afternoon.
Employees without knowledge
Depending on how well you have onboarded your employees, you might need to further educate them on the important of keeping your files safe. This includes letting them know that small businesses often face security threats and that it is up to them to make sure that they update passwords and encrypt emails. You’ll also want to stress that it is important not to share files with those outside your organization and that they should make extra effort to make sure that they are in a spot that requires extra verification.
Insecure file storage
Where you store your files can have a big impact on your cybersecurity. While it might be tempting to keep them on your own server or on a Google Drive, the truth is that these are often the types of businesses that hackers target the most. That’s why you might consider a deal room so you know that even when you share files among multiple organizations that things will be safe. This is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to make sure that your files will stay safe and that you won’t have to worry about losing important items or having someone take advantage of where you keep your files.
No password variations
Many small businesses often underestimate the fact that changing passwords on their accounts can help to keep those who would take advantage of your business. You’ll want to make sure to change them often, and also that you do not use the same password for all of your accounts. Have your employees change them often and make sure you yourself make an effort to do so, as well.
In summary
Upgrading your cybersecurity for a small business does not have to be overwhelming, but it should be on your mind since hackers tend to target these the most. With this knowledge, you can come up with a strategy that works for you and that is easy to implement.
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