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Surprising Stats About the State Retirement System

The state retirement system is one of the largest sources of retirement income for most American workers. However, there are several factors to consider when evaluating this system. One of the most important factors is your life expectancy. You will also need to account for your savings. Then, you will need to consider DB vs. DC plans and the amount you rely on social security for your retirement income.

Life Expectancy

The Social Security Administration (SSA) estimates the life expectancy of a 65-year-old: one-third will live to be 90 years old, and one-seventh will live to be 95 years old. While the data may seem encouraging, it doesn’t consider individual health, family history, and other factors.

To test this hypothesis, researchers in Illinois studied the statistics of 732 police officers who retired between 1957 and 1986. The officers were 45 to 73 years old, and they served for more than 50 years on average. While the life expectancy of the retired police officers was above average, the difference between their lives and the average retirement age was not statistically significant.


While state retirement systems can differ widely, they all have a few important features. These systems can help people secure a more secure retirement from additional account options to targeted retirement education. This article will compare and contrast state retirement systems and highlight the qualities of the best plans. This will help individuals decide which retirement plan best fits their needs and circumstances.

Among these features are inflation indexing provision and auto-enrollment for some plan members. These measures are designed to ensure the integrity of retirement benefits. In addition, they allow employees to withdraw employer contributions and convert them into lifetime income payments.

DB vs. DC plans

While the future outlook for DC plans in the state retirement system is brighter than those for DB pension plans, the public sector has remained relatively stable, with little change in the composition of its plans. While some state governments, including Michigan and Alaska, have switched to DC plans, most still offer DB plans. Moreover, only Michigan and Alaska require new employees to join DC plans.

The study examines how transitioning from DB to DC plans affects retirement income. It identifies winners and losers among different groups, including the sexes, marital status, race, and years of paid employment. It also analyzes the changes in retirement income in different quintiles of income.

Reliance on Social Security as the Primary Source of Retirement Income

Gallup’s annual survey of Americans’ attitudes toward retirement has found that most Americans still depend on Social Security as their main retirement source. Moreover, while the percentage has remained relatively stable since 2001, reliance on Social Security has increased for younger and older workers. Even so, the percentage of people who plan to depend entirely on Social Security is still relatively low, at 83%.

The number of Americans relying on Social Security in retirement has risen since 2005. Still, younger people are less likely than older Americans to rely on this program as a primary source of retirement income. They may be worried about the future of Social Security, which is projected to run out of money by the mid-2030s. The trust fund that supports the program will run dry by that time, which means that future benefits will have to be cut. The current generation will reach retirement age in 2049, and many younger people are concerned about their future income.

Cost of Housing in Retirement

The cost of living adjustment is an important issue for members of the state retirement system. With the current cost of living, retirees find it difficult to meet basic needs. Some pension plans have increased payments periodically to keep up with inflation, but many don’t. This is particularly the case for health insurance costs.

While most public pensions include cost-of-living increases, some states have cut or eliminated these increases. This is because payout obligations have grown beyond the state funds. Public servants, such as firefighters and police officers, are among those who have been affected.

Reliance on Personal Savings

The HRS estimates a higher reliance on personal savings in the top quintile compared to the bottom quintile and differs by race and ethnicity. It also shows that both sexes rely more on Social Security benefits than their savings. These findings suggest that Social Security benefits remain the primary source of retirement income for significant segments of the aged population. Despite the introduction of retirement accounts, the importance of Social Security for most older adults has not changed.

Although government saving rates are highly correlated with federal savings rates, state and local governments have remained below one percent of GDP over the past 50 years. Moreover, these low rates do not account for implicit borrowing associated with underfunded public pension plans and retiree health care promises.

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